
How To Repair Drip Irrigation Tudomain_7

North Lombok Regency has a dry country potential of ± thou ha. The dry land is spread out in Gangga Sub-district, Kayangan District, and Bayan Commune.

Currently, the existing dry state is only planted in one case a year by relying on rain-fed irrigation. Equally a result, agricultural productivity in North Lombok is all the same relatively low compared to the potential of the land owned.

Seeing this phenomenon, the Community Service Team (PKM) Department of H2o Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya considers information technology necessary to intensify agriculture in the field of irrigation engineering science in that surface area.

Led by Dr. Sumiadi, ST., MT., this PKM team consists of Dian Sisinggih ST MT PhD, Ir Sri Wahyuni ​​ST MT PhD IPM, Dr Linda Prasetyorini ST MT, and Ir Heri Suprijanto MT.

The team carried out community empowerment targeting community members in Gumantar Village, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency through the form of Technical Assist for Drip Irrigation Applications for Dry out Land Agronomics.

The partner is a farming community in Gumantar Village, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency. Based on information from the Gumantar Village Authorities Function in 2022, the population in Gumantar Village reached five.697 people from 1.540 families with a density of 148 people/km2 with a male person population of 2.801 people and a female population of 2.927 people.

Gumantar Village has wide dry out country potential, which is 2.966 ha, and is the widest in Kayangan District. This land has the potential to become agricultural state. However, one of the obstacles faced in dryland areas is the express supply of irrigation water, and most of them rely on rainwater.

In order to back up the nutrient security program which is beingness intensively carried out by the government in recent years, of course, this problem must exist addressed immediately.

One manner that can exist made to overcome the limited availability of irrigation water in dryland is to utilise water-saving irrigation technology. In add-on, at that location, irrigation facilities have been built in the class of weirs, intakes, carrier channels (pipes), and as well reservoirs. Thus the application of drip irrigation can be realized.

Drip irrigation is an efficient form of irrigation technology and is considered very suitable for the dry land that tends to be porous. Drip irrigation engineering science can improve the efficiency of using irrigation water. The uniformity of irrigation provided is more than than lxxx% and land loss due to the installation of irrigation facilities can be reduced.

"Drip irrigation systems can exist used in various land surface weather, both flat and wavy. So this organization is very suitable to be applied in dryland agriculture," explained Dr. Sumiadi.

In this dry country, he continued, the team took the initiative to provide solutions past carrying out activities that focused on technical assistance in planning and creating lateral networks (distribution lines) in one of the agricultural lands and providing socialization/counseling to farmers so that this activity can exist accustomed.

With the application of drip irrigation, it is expected to maximize the use of irrigation water and increase cropping intensity so that agronomical productivity also increases.

The solutions that have been submitted will be monitored periodically by the team so that after they are done they can part properly and efficiently.

"Hopefully this activeness tin can provide pregnant changes to overcome the problems faced by farming communities in Gumantar Village," concluded Dr. Sumiadi. (humasft)


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